Britlinks is no longer actively maintained, but is preserved here as a historical record. Something of the history of the site can be found on this page.

Britlinks World Wide Message Tribe

This band has split up

Band Photo

This band has not yet submitted a biography. Please feel free to e-mail them (nicely) suggesting they contact us about it.

Latest News: 23rd Jan 2001

The Message Trust have recently launched as a one-stop shop for World Wide Message Tribe/The Tribe merchandise and some momentos of the Message 2000 event in Manchester. The Tribe are currently in the studio working on a new album to be titled Take Back The Beat. The album will be out this summer, with a single released some time around Easter. They also hope to make some MP3s available.

* more World Wide Message Tribe news - britlinks news

Forthcoming Concerts:

Since Britlinks is no longer updated, we have no details of upcoming concerts.

* complete gig list for this artist: pop-up/new page


Web Site(s):


Recent Releases:

* complete discography: pop-up/new page
* search for records: or

Recommendations - If you like this band you might like:

Sound Files:

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Britlinks was once designed, maintained and © James Stewart